The Arena door game, version 1.5 4/6/96 **************** ANSI **************** This game MUST be run on a computer using an ANSI.SYS device driver. Remote users have to have modem software set for ANSI emulation, otherwise they won't see colors and all the extended characters. ANSI capability is generally added to a DOS system by adding the following line to c:\config.sys. device=c:\dos\ansi.sys ************************************** This game is designed to use door.sys or dorinfo1.def as a drop file. It is well behaved on TAG 2.7, Spitfire 3.3, and Renegade 1.0 BBS software. This version was successfully tested on a IBM clone 386sx-40 running DOS 5.0 and a 14400 baud Intel PCFM7500W internal faxmodem. It is also well behaved on 486dx2-66 IBM clone pc running DOS 6.22, 386sx-16, IBM 6384-X70 Value Point computer (486dx2-66 ISA bus), Windows 3.1/IBM-DOS 5.0 or Windows 95, external 14400 US Robotics Sportster modem, Novell Netware 4.1 network, Cardinal internal 14400 faxmodem, Practical Peripherals 14400 external modem, and IBM 550c Thinkpad Laptop computer with Megahertz 14400 PCMCIA modem. This game may be played locally, without a bbs. Put a copy of dorinfo1.def in the same directory with everything else and type robot7 /l and it should be working fine. We include dorinfo1.def with the game for this reason. ****************************** DROP FILES ********************************* MAKE CERTAIN THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE TYPE OF DROP FILE IN THE DIRECTORY WITH THE GAME. IF THERE ARE TWO OR MORE DIFFERENT KINDS OF DROP FILES PRESENT THE GAME WILL PROBABLY NOT WORK. *************************************************************************** There is a difference between playing the game remotely and running it locally. The difference is in video flicker, I find it annoying. So to play the game remotely, invoke the game with robot7. To play the game locally, invoke the game with robot7 /l or robot7 /L. Except for that, everything else is the same. To get it to work with TAG 2.7 bbs, I created a batch file called robot.bat that can be called by TAG when the game is to be played. copy door.sys c:\bbs\robot cd c:\bbs\robot robot7.exe cd c:\bbs The Arena game should be placed in one directory. I call mine c:\bbs\robot. The game keeps a player database that tracks player scores, ammo, kills, and some other stuff. It will automatically delete a player after 100 days of inactivity. We figured that was long enough to allow people to call in sometimes but would clean the player file (robot7.usr) often enough to keep it small. TO RESET THE GAME, DELETE OR RENAME ROBOT7.USR. The program will automatically create a new robot7.usr file for storing player data. This is a beta test version, but it appears very stable. We got such a kick out of playing it that we wanted to show it to you and hope you'll have as much fun as we have playing it. Let us know if there are any bugs. We are interested in discovering how it behaves on different bbs systems. Stay in Touch! This program is being improved daily. More robots, more weapons, more more more more levels more ANSI more everything. If you have any ANSI art that might fit into the game, show it to us! Eric VonHypernet Jackal CyBerDuDE Hypernet Software (313)386-8292 Allen Park, MI USA ******************* COMPATABILITY ********************* 2/24/96 We tested this game (alpha versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2) on a 386sx-40 IBM clone pc ISA bus, VGA card with 256 K RAM, 4 MB RAM, 270 MB hard disk, 1.44 MB floppy drive and internal Intel 14400 baud faxmodem model # PCFM7500W using TAG 2.7 BBS software and IBM DOS 5.0. It is well behaved. 2/24/96 Death Star BBS (313)429-0567 tested alpha versions 1.0 and 1.1 successfully on Telegard BBS version 2.99 gamma - 2, gamma - 3 and Telegard BBS version 2.7. Spyder tells us he's using the X00 fossil with the com port locked at 115200 baud. He uses door.sys. Telegard is shelling to EMS. Thanks Spyder and Death Star BBS! Alpha version 1.2 appears well behaved on a Novell Netware 4.1 ethernet network using 386sx-40 and 386sx-16 IBM clones as workstations. 3/5/96 Alpha version 1.3 appears well behaved on TAG 2.7, Renegade 1.0 or Spitfire 3.3 running on a 386sx-40 IBM clone pc with IBM-DOS 5.0. Renegade 1.0 was run with the X00 fossil driver. 3/21/96 Beta version 1.4 appears well behaved on TAG 2.7, Renegade 1.0 or Spitfire 3.3 running on a 386sx-40 IBM clone pc with IBM-DOS 5.0. Renegade 1.0 was run with the X00 fossil driver. 4/6/96 Shareware version 1.5 released.